The Moscow showroom became a place of a world premiere the armor car from Jaguar – Jaguar XJ Sentinel. It's the first armor sedan of representation class English company, and Englishmen, in common with experts of company Centigon, have approached to business rather thoroughly and have reserved the car on class В7. The car is capable to sustain turn from Kalashnikov automatic machine and explosion of 15 kg trotyl in immediate proximity from itself. Englishmen assure that Jaguar XJ Sentinel, is more true its passengers, without serious consequences will transfer also grenade explosion under the bottom.
Iron-plating engages the bodies integrated into structure steel armour plates, kevlar modules, and for bottom protection answer anti-mine mats. The car weight, in comparison with usual long-wheelbase Jaguar XJ, has grown almost twice – from 1780 to 3300 kg that has demanded strengthening of a suspender, the braking system and specially developed 19-inch disks. And here Englishmen have decided not to touch the engine and have left five-liter eight capacity of 385 h.p. with which on pair the six-step automatic transmission with a manual mode of a gear shift works. The maximum speed of the car makes 195 km/h, and on first hundred conquest leaves 9,7 sec.
In comparison with products of Mercedes-Benz Guard and BMW Security, Jaguar XJ Sentinel dynamic characteristics look not so convincingly. For example, Mercedes S600L Guard is heavier than an English sedan, but is much more powerful (517 h.p.) and faster on 15 km/h (210 km/h). It would seem, superfluous 15 km/h don't do anything, but only not in that case, so far as concerns life and death of passengers of similar cars. These cars are calculated on extreme situations in which all can solve fractions of a second. However, it only the first experience of booking for English engineers. For certain, in due course they leave on level of the German colleagues. Besides it is not necessary to forget that in an arsenal of Englishmen there is still compressor five-liter eight capacity of 510 h.p. which can appear in the future under Jaguar XJ Sentinel cowl.
Traditionally for cars of a representation class an inner trim of English armored car the richest. Here expensive kinds of leather and a ceiling inserts from the polished tree and audiosystem B&W. The Russian dealers will start to accept orders for Jaguar XJ Sentinel in October, and the first cars will go to Russia not earlier than next year.

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